I mentioned in my Digital Gallery Wall post that it would be easy to build a remote control for Meural Canvases. Here it is:

This was super easy because each Meural Canvas is wifi-connected and has a tiny webserver. The commands are exposed through a REST interface. So if you know the local IP address of your Meural device, you can execute these commands from your web browser:
ON: /remote/control_command/resume
OFF: /remote/control_command/suspend
LEFT: /remote/control_command/set_key/left/
RIGHT: /remote/control_command/set_key/right/
The remote is based on an ESP8266. These are versatile microcontrollers with onboard wifi. For this project, I knew I wanted battery power and that I wanted to recharge the battery via usb, so I wanted a board with a charge controller. I opted for this one from DFRobot (see below for an alternative suggestion).
There are a lot of options for programming the ESP8266. For this project, I chose NodeMCU, a Lua-based firmware. I’ve used NodeMCU for a few projects. I have mixed feelings about Lua, but I really like having an interpreter when I’m debugging a new hardware project.
There’s great documentation for NodeMCU, so I won’t get into it in detail. But you will need to flash a custom NodeMCU build with the HTTP module. (I recommend letting NodeMCU Custom Builds create your build. Keep all of the default modules and add HTTP).
The circuit is very simple. I built this on a prototype board designed to fit the ESP8266 board from DFRobot. There are 4 momentary switches (for each command: on, left, right, off). For each of these, one leg is connected to a GPIO pin. The other is connected to ground (the ESP8266 has built-in pull-ups). I also added a status LED to indicate when buttons are pressed and to blink when we’re waiting for WIFI connection.
Thoughts and learnings:
- I didn’t give any consideration to power management for this project. The remote is always connected to wifi and draining >100mA/h. With a 800mAh LIPO battery, I’ve got less than 8 hours of charge. At the cost of some latency, the ESP8266 could be put to sleep and wake up / reconnect to wifi on button press.
- NodeMCU is not multi-threaded. When I want to send a command to all 6 Meural devices, I have to connect to each in sequence and wait for an OK after issuing a command. It takes about half a second for each device, so the sequence is very visible.
- Alternative hardware: One thing I don’t like about the DFRobot board is that the charge controller delivers 500mA and I can’t change it. For safety, this means the connected battery should be 500mAh or higher. The battery increased the size of my design quite a bit. Adafruit’s Feather Huzzah ESP8266 has a 100mA LIPO charger and may be a good alternative.